Monday, March 20, 2006

"my hypocrisy knows no bounds"

Ahhhh... good old Tombstone. But seriously, folks... let this be a warning to all ye who venture here. I love movies. I love comic books. I am, however, only sometimes partial to comic book movies (my first example of why this post is so titled). I think you'll all agree with me that there have been some craptacular ones out there (Punisher anyone? take your pick on which version).

Come back and visit often. I have much to say... not that I'm going to use this as my soapbox, just a place to share my views and odd tidbits and sage advice gathered from around the interwebnetboxtubedealio.

Quick notes about me personally... I'm a writer who hopes to direct one day. Don't bother imdb-ing me. I haven't done much of note, and the stuff that I've done in the entertainment industry that I am most proud of, well, imdb doesn't list them. It does however list the film that I interned on for 2 DAYS! ugh. Anyways, I'm working on what I hope to be the last draft of my screenplay (one that I am very proud of), and also 2 comic scripts which I hope to have done before the summer (fat chance!) You'll probably get updates on those as we move along.

Stick with me, folks! I'll see you get there.

In the meantime, Knight to Queen's Rook 4. booyah!


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