MY 3 CENTS: V for Vendetta

I don't get these people who walk out of movies based on the politics of the subject matter. As [another poster] so rightly said... what were they thinking when they went?
The film was ok in my opinion, but not great. It certainly had it's moments... moments where I was riveted and couldn't wait to see what happened next. But I'm sorry to say they were few and far between. I found most of the film to be a barrage of symbolism which is not bad in it's own right, but here the allegories were hammered into our brains repeatedly to the point where the director/filmmakers/writers/whatever sacrificed substance and story for umpteen references to current politics and messiah imagery. To me, all that repetition is just an attempt to dumb down the story for the general public (didja get it? no? how about the 3rd time? no?)
Problem is, the people who need it dumbed down are also the people who are leaving the theater 35 mins into the movie!
I don't have a problem with the movie's politics, just the way it was made (for the most part).
...and am I the only one who wants one of those masks?
That was the end of my comment. Now I'd just like to add 2 things:
1) I can't blame Alan Moore for wanting nothing to do with this film. Film versions of From Hell and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen were both terrible while their graphic novel counterparts were both excellent (League more than From Hell which was really dense). It should be no surprise whatsoever that V for Vendetta is an exceptional comic. which leads to...
2) If you liked the movie, definitely pick it up and check it out. If you didn't like the movie, well... get it from the library, read it, and then you'll feel better about the $20 you dropped at the movie theater on tix and popcorn.
mmmm... popcorn
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