Friday, February 23, 2007

"Yeah, suck it, I DO read the paper" - 30 Rock

30 Rock cracked me up last night. In fact, it cracks me up every time it's on. I'm surprised that more people don't watch this show. The regular excuse I get from co-workers is that they watched the pilot and weren't too blown away with it, so they never bothered to come back.

Tell me people, when was the last time that you saw a really kick-ass pilot for a sitcom. The Friends pilot is meh, as are the ones for The Simpsons, M*A*S*H*, Seinfeld, The Office (American version), and more. All of them shaped up and have become classics.

Now, I don't know if 30 Rock will become a classic of TV, but it certainly has hit its stride now and is much better than the pilot. Check it out one more time. I think you'll like it.

Alec Baldwin alone makes the show worth watching. The man is a freakin' genius!


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