This is like when they shot Rasputin, after they poisoned him, but before they beat and drowned him

Apparently, this is the year for all of my favorite shows to go off the air. Ok, maybe not ALL, but I've recently posted about the demise of Alias ("Alias" is a show about a spy" --Buster Bluth), and now it seems that for the 2,407th time since January, my #1 all-time favorite show, Arrested Development is in danger of being cancelled... again. COME ON!
And it does not bode well...
As the story goes, Fox doesn't want the show anymore. Who can blame them? The show wasn't funny, or well acted, or a prime example of comic genius. It didn't have any good stories to tell, and they couldn't get a single recognizable actor to play a role. Wow... that's a lot of sarcasm, even for me. Anyways, to continue, both Showtime and ABC were both interested in picking up the show. I would've preferred ABC only because I don't get Showtime, but I tell ya... if they had Arrested Development on, I'd call my cable company right away, that's for damn sure. I guess the frontrunner now is Showtime.
So what's wrong you ask? Sounds like good news right? Well, now according to Ain't It Cool News and Variety, Mitch Hurwitz, the demented genius who created the show, has decided to not be involved with the show if and when AD goes to a fourth season. At the outside, he'd return as a consultant, but definitely not as showrunner. And as it turns out, or so I hear, his return as showrunner was one of Showtime's conditions for picking up the show. Great! Just great!
Hurwitz also expressed interest in seeing AD as a movie. If he'll come back, I'm all for it. We need to hear more people talking nonsense to Bob Loblaw! Yes, I already bought seasons 1 and 2 on DVD, and I pre-ordered season 3 from Amazon already. One might say I've got the Arrested Development Disease... or ADD. HA! ha! no?
And It's jokes like that, ladies and gentlemen, why we need to keep actually funny shows like AD on the air!
Mitch Hurwitz is a complete genius. Wait, did I say genius? I meant jackass. Actually, I think he's both. The thing is, if he's really serious about having run out of good ideas, then maybe he's making the right choice. I'd hate to see the show degrade into mediocrity. Let's just remember it as it was: the most perfectly, gloriously, sidesplittingly magnificent work of television ever imagined.
But if he's just giving up, he's letting down the whole of humanity and should be summarily ejected from the global consciousness.
Love the title of this one, btw!
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