You want $45 for what?!?
Last weekend I went to Wizard World Los Angeles, or as a friend of mine calls it, GeekFest 2006. I tried to tell her that GeekFest 2006 is actually the San Diego Comic Con in July, but she wouldn't listen. For those of you who don't know, Wizard World is a touring convention of all things sci-fi, animation, and most of all, comics, put on by Wizard Magazine.
It's a small show, but worth it. There were many good deals to be found... 1/2 off TPBs, $2.50 new issues, $1 back issues, as well as a plethora of signings ("Hefe, what is a plethora?"). I didn't get too much signed aside from a couple of issues by writer Geoff Johns, one by writer John Rogers, and one by artist Pat Lee.
So, while I was at a particular dealer buying Runaways (vol.2) #s 13 & 14 (awesome, btw) for less than cover price, I look up and see something that shocks that hell out of me. They have a NM-condition first printing Marvel Zombies #1. So do I. That's not what shocks me. What shocks me is that they're selling it for $45! Can you believe that? Just as I think to myself that no one is dumb enough to buy it for that price, I overhear someone saying that no less than six people already had and that the dealer only has 2 left. $45! For a comic that came out roughly 4 months ago! Sure it had a low-print run and all, but I got my copy over a month after it had come out for cover price! That's $3! Hell, If you really want it, you can probably get it on ebay for $15!
Now don't get me wrong, the issue is worth about $15 now, but buying it for $45? That's ridiculous. That's gouging! And you just know it was the 16 year-old who saves his money every day from mowing lawns who buys it for that price! Dealers are just preying on the gullability of people at these shows.
But hey, if they're stupid enough to buy Marvel Zombies #1 for $45, send them my way. I have a Hunter-Killer #0 for them for the bargain price of $10. I know I only paid a quarter for it and that it's worth just that... WHAT OF IT?!?
It's a small show, but worth it. There were many good deals to be found... 1/2 off TPBs, $2.50 new issues, $1 back issues, as well as a plethora of signings ("Hefe, what is a plethora?"). I didn't get too much signed aside from a couple of issues by writer Geoff Johns, one by writer John Rogers, and one by artist Pat Lee.

Now don't get me wrong, the issue is worth about $15 now, but buying it for $45? That's ridiculous. That's gouging! And you just know it was the 16 year-old who saves his money every day from mowing lawns who buys it for that price! Dealers are just preying on the gullability of people at these shows.
But hey, if they're stupid enough to buy Marvel Zombies #1 for $45, send them my way. I have a Hunter-Killer #0 for them for the bargain price of $10. I know I only paid a quarter for it and that it's worth just that... WHAT OF IT?!?
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