Monday, June 25, 2007

World War Hulk

I've never been one to read the Incredible Hulk comic, not even when Peter David was writing except for an odd issue here and there. He's just never really appealed to me all that much. In fact, I think I liked the Bill Bixby TV show better than the comic book.

And now, there's this massive event in the Marvel Universe called World War Hulk. My friendly neighborhood comic book store owner, Cat, who owns DJ's Universal Comics in Studio City (awesome store... check it out) recommended I buy the prologue issue to the event with the promise that I wouldn't be disappointed. And he was right...

The whole event is FREAKIN' AWESOME!! (so far)

I don't want to go into what it's all about, suffice it to say that the Hulk returns to Earth very very pissed at some key Marvel players (Mr. Fantastic, Dr. Strange, Iron Man, Blackbolt, and a few others) and looking for vengeance. What happens next is crazy... and good. It's crazy good!

The great thing is that you don't need to know much about the Hulk to jump in. He's big, green, has a terrible temper, is super-strong, can withstand pretty much any extreme, is kinda dumb, and he really really really hates his alter ego, Bruce Banner. The rest that you need to know is summed up on the first page of each issue (the "previously on" page).

If you're looking for somehting new, check out World War Hulk. Like Cat, I would say that you won't be disappointed.

The prologue and issue #1 (of 7 I think) are out already. If you're also gonna pick up some of the cross-overs, I'd recommend the regular Incredible Hulk issues. The others I'm not bothering with (which doesn't mean they're not good).

American Gangster trailer

Haven't posted in a while, I know. I've been working hard on this latest production that I mentioned in an earlier post (still can't say more about it), but it's been stressing me out to no end.

Anyway, I say Ocean's 13 recently and while the movie is mediocre, there was a cool trailer attached to it for a movie called American Gangster. I know I'll see it.

What makes me bring it up is that I love the song that they play in the trailer. I tracked it down and found out that it's called "Heart of the City (Ain't No Love)" by Jay-Z. It's a remix/sampling of an older song, but the version they use in the trailer is definitely Jay-Z's. You can buy it on iTunes.