Saturday, May 27, 2006

Ghost Rider trailer

I am soooooo there! Another Marvel Comics classic being brought to the screen by the writer of Batman Begins and the director of Daredevil. And I don't care what you say, DD was not bad at all. Sure, it could've been better, but I enjoyed it. How cool does the Ghost Rider look in this trailer? Can't wait!

If you haven't seen the trailer, you can watch it here.

Quick review of "X-Men: The Last Stand"

Not bad. Certainly not as bad as the reviews I've been reading on Ain't It Cool News. I'd have to say, hands down, Storm is the worst part of this movie. She was TERRIBLY written and had the cheesiest lines of the entire film. So cheesy in fact that I couldn't help but laugh at what was supposed to be a tender moment in the film.

Anyways, if you like the first 2 movies, it's worth going to see this one. My only problem is that I've been such an X-Men fanboy for going on 20 years that it's hard for me to separate my annoyance at character portrayals and my love for blow-em-up movie blockbusters.

If you're an uber-fanboy (which I'm not despite what you say!), you're going to be sorely disappointed with the portrayals of Psylocke, Juggernaut, Angel, Callisto and especially The Phoenix, as well as the blatant and often necessary deviation from the comic book continuity. I mean seriously... the X-Men stories that this film is based on are some of the best-written stories in comic books today. Why change the story so much that it becomes unrecognizable? All that aside, the action and SFX were spectacular. I'd see it again.

In fact, I think I need to see it again so that I can actually formulate a cohesive opinion.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Masterpiece-then-almost-crapfest-but-still-ok/good show bids farewell

**SPOILERS** Don't read on if you haven't seen the series finale of Alias.

After 5 seasons, JJ Abrams' Alias finally ended last night. The series finale was good in my opinion. A little too much hocus-pocus towards the end there (the resurrection... COME ON!!), but I did like the very end with Sydney's daughter because it left the franchise open. Even when a show is cancelled, you have to leave it open, adonchaknow? What if the DVD sales sky-rocket?

Some more thoughts on the finale: Jack is still my hero. He was by far my favorite character. If he had to go out, I'm glad it was like he did, taking Sloane with him and all (kinda sorta).

The end of the finale with Isabel and "the indicator" was funny to me because my best-friend has been saying for YEARS on end that what ABC and Abrams should do is cancel the show and relaunch with the next generation/batch of heroes while getting back to the roots of what made Alias great with all the stuff that they haven't had in the show for eons... the way it used to be in season 1. And now they can! But they probably won't. Still a good idea though. (sorry if I didn't get your idea across properly, dude!)

I tell ya, all in all, I'm just glad that Rambaldi himself didn't make an appearance. That would've truly sucked!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Dear HBO: I didn't like the ending

It was described to me as one of the best endings to a series ever. I thought the ending was lame lame lame lame. That's 4 lames, for those of you who are counting. That being said, the series itself (which I only read in TPB form and not single issues) was quite excellent. Gross at times and definitely not for the younguns, but good nonetheless.

So imagine how excited I was to read that Preacher may become an HBO mini-series. For those of you who've read the series... HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?

Originally published by Vertigo (a DC Comics imprint for mature readers), there are 9 TPBs in all (trade paperbacks, for those not in the know). This series by Garth Ennis follows the adventures of Preacher Jesse Custer as he is joined with the Genesis force. He's joined by his girlfriend Tulip and an Irish vampire named Cassidy. It's a weird weird ride, but one worth taking if this sounds even remotely intriguing to you.

I think this would make an excellent mini-series on TV, but they're gonna have do something about the ultimate ending. I won't offer any spoilers here, but I think many people will get mad when they see it on principle alone. Not me. I just think it was the easy way out without answering all the questions. Kinda like the hand of God ending to Stephen King's The Stand

(I think I may have just incurred the wrath of both Ennis and King fans alike)

I would like to finish by saying that HBO should make this, and they should let me work on it. I'd even consider subscribing to HBO if they made the series. Also, I think Garth Ennis and Stephen King are both masters of their art, but I can't like EVERYTHING that they do. I have a little backbone (but not much).

Thursday, May 11, 2006

E3: Eragon

I've been at E3 for the past 2 days, and there is no way in hell that I am going again tomorrow. It's hot in there, there are too many people, and (I know you'll find this hard to believe) but there's really not that much new & exciting stuff to see. Eragon was a notable exception though.

I waited in line for 20mins today to see the Eragon game trailer & demo, and the world premiere of the teaser trailer for the Eragon motion picture coming out this winter, all based on the best selling book by Christopher Paolini. Why did I wait in line for 20mins? Well, that's easy to answer... I didn't know the line was gonna take 20mins. I thought it would be 5 at the most. I was just about to give up and leave when they let me in the theater.

The film footage looks excellent. I've never read the books, and after seeing the teaser, I'm excited to see the movie and read the books. The film boasts an incredible cast including John Malkovich and Jeremy Irons. My only complaint is that, apparently, Joss Stone is in the film. I know because they ID'd her in the trailer. For all I know, she's a great actress, but come on! Why does she get to be in a film of this caliber when my best friend struggles to make it in the acting biz every day?! I don't like to speak for her often, but I'd be willing to say she'd kill to have Joss Stone's role in this film... and I don't even know what part she plays! All I'm saying is, musicians shouldn't automatically get parts in films because they can sing. It just doesn't seem right.

But go see the movie anyways... I think it's gonna be all kinds of hot sauce. That's right! I said it...

Moving on... the game I'm not too excited about. It looks good, has some cool features, and seems like it'd be fun to play. My problem though is that I don't think it's made for the kids who love the books, which I think are the tweens or even younger. The game has a little blood-splatter when you're fighting others, which I'm guessing is the way the creators have "toned down" the violence for kids. But what they didn't do was tone down the inherent violence in the graphics and actions of killing things with your sword and other various weapons. For example, there are several finishing moves the you can pull off, one of which looks like you are choking your enemy to death. Another is when you have almost killed your enemy and he falls to the ground, you walk up to him, kneel slightly, and then in a grandiose move, plunge your sword through his chest finishing him off. I don't care if there is low blood-splatter. It seemed excessive for a kids game. That being said, I've never read the books, so I don't know if they're more violent than say the first Harry Potter book... but the above was my gut reaction.

Ok, fine... you've gotten it out of me. I waited in the 20mins line because that's the only way to enter the contest to win 2 tickets, travel included, to the US premiere of the film. So sue me. I've never been to a movie premiere ever!

And if I win, I'm not taking you.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Star Wars is finally coming to DVD!

In recent years, several people have started conversations with me like this: "I was watching the original trilogy, and you know what I noticed in A New Hope?" Very irritating.

I know the subtitle of the original 1977 film was "A New Hope," but that's not the name of the movie, people! It's STAR WARS. Back in '77, no one went to the box office and said "I'll have one for A New Hope." I don't get why everyone wants to rename one of the greatest films in sci-fi history!

And don't EVEN get me started on Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark! There was no need to add the "Indiana Jones and..." part. Ok, now see... you got me started. But I digress. Back to my original point (if I even had one)...

If you must refer to something as "A New Hope," then let it be the craptacular "updating" of the original 1977 film, Star Wars, that Lucas put out. Y'know, the so-called "special editions" ... the only versions of the original trilogy that you can get on DVD.

Well, soon that won't be the case. According to stories on both CHUD and, the original unaltered Star Wars trilogy will be available on DVD for the first time ever this September. Each will contain 2 discs which will contain both the theatrical and the Special Edition versions of the film. These DVDs will only be on sale from 9/12/06 thru 12/31/06, just in time for the holiday season with a little more time tacked on for those people who will find out on Christmas morning that Aunty Polly didn't get them the 3 new Star Wars DVDs that they wanted, but rather goofed and got the Special Editions or worse... Howard the Duck on DVD!

I'm totally buying these. If for no other reason than my VHS tapes of the theatrical versions are on their last legs. Ahh, who am I kidding? I don't need a reason. Just put them out already!