Me and a billion other people

**SPOILERS** You have been warned! Although, some of this will only make sense if you've seen the movie...
In no particular order:
-Captain Jack Sparrow's "entrance" was excellent. Johnny Depp himself was excellent again. I wonder if he'll get another Academy Award nomination. He should win at least once for his characterization, don'cha think?
-Stellan Skarsgard and Bill Nighy made great additions to the cast.
-The woman sitting next to me literally jumped in her chair and screamed when the first of the natives attacked Will Turner.
-The fruit fight was out of place as was Jack's flip across the chasm, . All the other action in the Pirates films was fairly realistic, even if there were skeletons and sea monsters invovled. It just all seemed possible in that world. This stunt, not so much. That said, I will admit it was pretty funny.
-I think they went a little overboard (no pun intended) on the gross-factor when designing the crew of the Flying Dutchman. Definitely creepy, that's for sure. The things that grossed me out most were the rocks/crystals/whatever that were jutting out of Bootstrap's face.
-Keira Knightley is beautiful. I'm just sayin'.
-The water-wheel sword fight was fun, if not a little grandiose.
-Tia Dalma is a little hard to understand at times.
-The new villain, Lord Beckett, is really slimy... which he's supposed to be, so that works for me.
-It was nice to see a disheveled Commodore Norrington. Makes him more sympathetic, I think.
-The cliffhanger ending was awesome. The last shot of the film got cheers in the theater I was in.
Overall: good stuff. A very worthy sequel. Can't wait for Pirates 3!
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