Masterpiece-then-almost-crapfest-but-still-ok/good show bids farewell

After 5 seasons, JJ Abrams' Alias finally ended last night. The series finale was good in my opinion. A little too much hocus-pocus towards the end there (the resurrection... COME ON!!), but I did like the very end with Sydney's daughter because it left the franchise open. Even when a show is cancelled, you have to leave it open, adonchaknow? What if the DVD sales sky-rocket?
Some more thoughts on the finale: Jack is still my hero. He was by far my favorite character. If he had to go out, I'm glad it was like he did, taking Sloane with him and all (kinda sorta).
The end of the finale with Isabel and "the indicator" was funny to me because my best-friend has been saying for YEARS on end that what ABC and Abrams should do is cancel the show and relaunch with the next generation/batch of heroes while getting back to the roots of what made Alias great with all the stuff that they haven't had in the show for eons... the way it used to be in season 1. And now they can! But they probably won't. Still a good idea though. (sorry if I didn't get your idea across properly, dude!)
I tell ya, all in all, I'm just glad that Rambaldi himself didn't make an appearance. That would've truly sucked!
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