Monday, July 31, 2006

Swear to me!... AGAIN!

I just read over at CBR that the long-rumored sequel to Batman Begins has officially been announced. It will be titled The Dark Knight. The article now includes a copy of the official Warner Bros. press release.

Chris Nolan is back to direct (nice!) and Christian Bale, Michael Caine, and Gary Oldman are all under contract for 3 Batman movies, so they'll be back too (triple nice!). Looks like David Goyer is also on-board to script again (nothing to shake a stick at, but seriously... Blade: Trinity was crap and he needs to make up for it).

There are 2 big news items in the official Warner Bros. press release that CBR reported on: first was that at least one of the villains in the film will be the Joker. No big surprise there since this was teased at the end of last year's Batman installment. I was slightly bummed when I heard that Batman Begins was going to deal with Ra's al-Ghul instead of the Joker, but the movie more than made up for it.

To me, the Joker is probably the single best villain in the history of comics. One of the best ever even! I liked Jack Nicholson's portrayal of him back in the 80's but I really hope this film will delve into the purely psychopathic genius that is the Joker. There's no two ways about him... he's pure insanity and that makes for some good storytelling.

Oh, and Mark Hamill did the best Joker voice ever! No contest.

So now for news item #2: Heath Ledger is playing the Joker. To this I say "BOOOOOOOOOO!" with a disclaimer that I have the right to recind that BOO without getting crap from everyone. I am happy to be proved wrong. Take Spider-Man for example. I thought Tobey Maguire was gonna suck, and he's great as Peter Parker. Awesome casting choice and proof yet again why I'm not a casting director. And it's not like I don't enjoy Heath Ledger's movies either. I really enjoyed A Knight's Tale. I just don't think he'll do pyscho-incarnate very well. He's a fine actor to be sure, but I worry.

To get over this, I have to put my faith in Nolan. He's a phenomenal director, even if I didn't really care for Memento, but hey, it was well made. I'm sure he'll get 150% out of Ledger, just like he did with Bale and the rest of the cast. I just need to keep thinking "Chris Nolan is directing" and I'll be fine.

To wrap up, here's my essential Joker reading list for you, in case you want to bone up on your Batman/Joker history: "The Killing Joke" by Alan Moore (the best Joker story, period!), "The Dark Knight Returns" by Frank Miller, and "Batman: Secrets" by Sam Keith. Each one will blow your mind in a different way. Now get reading!

Is this movie out yet?!?!?!?


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