Saturday, January 20, 2007

Scrubs: The Musical

I gotta say... Scrubs is one of my all-time favorite shows and one of the best comedies on TV, but this season has left me a little wanting. The musical episode that aired this week was no exception. I thought it was just plain dumb. The only good part was the last song and even then, after 20mins of mediocre not-very-funny tunes, it was hardly enough to win me over.

And it's not because I don't like musicals; I do. And it's not because I don't like special musical episodes of shows either. The musical episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer was great! One of the best episodes of the whole series, and probably the best post-season 3 episode (I thought the show went through a very very very slow decline after they graduated high-school, although Seasons 4-7 are still superior to most shows on TV and are highly entertaining). Here's the first song from the Buffy musical episode which was written and directed by the man himself, Joss Whedon:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree Scrubs is one of the best shows on right now, but the Scrubs musical doesn't hold a candle to OMWF. It has been more than 5 years since OMWF aired and NOTHING on TV has been able to surpass it. That's saying sumthin.

I respectfully disagree about the slow decline. I'm one of the few who actually enjoyed (most of) the Marti Nixon helmed years. I don't think she gets the credit she deserves. Even though Joss' hand is not as prevalent in the later seasons, BtVS was still head and shoulders better than anything else on the air, and still surpasses everything that has come since. Maybe the word "travesty" is too strong of a word to use, but there is something extremely wrong when the best producer/writer of our time can't get an hour of time on the air or even cable. Downright disheartening, is what it is.

Thanks for bringing back some great memories. Not fade away :)

1/21/2007 3:23 AM  

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